Chronic pain and inflammation comes in so many forms. Bone, joint, muscle and organ pain and swelling are just a start. It is that swelling and pain that just wont' go away and it affects our movement and how we go about life. It can start in the gut or in a joint. Everyone deals with it differently and the pain levels vary too.
Who suffers with such issues? Everyone. From children who suffer with growing pains, young adults with joint and muscle aches, of course adults with areas of past injury or joints and muscles that have been heavily used and overworked. And something we don't often think about is that we all can help our organs function better in our high-stress, processed food world. Inflamed organs can cause so many other issues in the short and long term, especially when it comes to digestion, headaches, hormones and sleep.
The big question is how do we reduce chronic pain and inflammation AND can we eliminate it?
The truth is that there ARE nutritional changes and shifts that can be made to reduce inflammation and pain in our bones, joints, muscles and organs.
Children suffer with growing pains, young adults with joint and muscle pain and we all can help our organs function better in our high-stress, processed food world.
There is no better time to to start making those changes.